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Tuesday, October 28, 2008 4:40 PM

After saying that i wanna "chop" my fringe for so long.. i finally... CHOPPED it..
But the result sucks haha
Nvm lar.. hair will grow back de ^^
No pics though.. too sucky.. scare will corrode my handphone =x

Sunday, October 26, 2008 11:30 PM

Extremely moody now..
Maybe i should just become my old self back..
It might just be a gd idea after all

Even though i might lose my friend but
i think that i 习惯没朋友在身边的生活了

How many of your friend do u think u can totally trust?
Having you guys as my friend does enhance my life but srry
i still think that being anti-social might be better for mi
Even though i dun know y i had this feeling all of a sudden.

The past is History..
The future is Mystery
The present is a Gift ( Thats why it's called the present)

History will be in my memory... just like the time we had spend our friendship
The future i dunno wat will happen and may it forever be a mystery
The present i will just be anti-social.. being a zombie wif no mood, no life.

Monday, October 20, 2008 9:33 PM

ok a ultra short post since i havent post for a few days =x

Went to IMM's Ichiban hav dinner wif vincent, Daniel and Javier =D
(Accompany vincent there to collect lappy)

Went to watch movie today
a nice and funny movie =D
But boring at some part

Watched wif Vincent, Daniel, Nat and jogina =D

Srry to make u cry today..(to jogina)

Sunday, October 12, 2008 12:49 AM

Ok guys.. Finally i am free to blog..
Happi birthday to my DAD [12 OCT]
Even though he doesn't use computer haha

Lets start from Friday

Woke up late, when to sch late

Reached class at ard 10am haha

After tht, Jen ask mi go CE talk wif her ..
I also lack of CE point sooo.. yea i went =D

When i came back from CE talk, My BELOVED W26C
Threw a mini birthday party for mi =DD

Grace spray-ed the WHOLE can of Ribbon at mi... (Video at Daniel's blog)
They ordered 4 Pizza haha
And i juz found out tht if i were to order pizza next time, i had to order HaWAian Pizza WITHOUT PINEAPPLE haha

The whole class is veri veri veri nice to mi
EXCEPT for 1 gal... Extra "nice"...
She actually given mi BIRTHDAY BASH..OMG..
Lucky i stopped her in time... After hitting mi for the 4th time, her hand felt painful and she wanted to use a bottle tis time...
Xiao Jie Jie.. Dun be so violent la.. i also didnt 得罪 u haha..

Well i did something for the whole class in return...
I Sweep-ed the classroom for them... So many "ribbons" lar!

The presentation went quite well i think..
The whole class said tht they wan to push mi into the "pond" in front of W1 foodcourt... haiz.. bully mi.. but I STILL LOVE THEM =D
(pictures with daniel)

Jen asked mi to go to another photoshop CE event wif her..
Ok i agree once again haha (i am juz a nice guy)
Tht blur gal waited there till 5.15pm.. (should be starting at 5pm)
I double-chked the email for her..
IT says that the date was TODAY
but she forgot to see that it was send on the 9th of OCT
Which means the talk was for 9th Oct..
Wasted 30-45min there..
She even wan to "scam" mi..

She ask mi to accompany her for 3 days for HER CE talk and she Accompany mi for 3 days for MY CE talk... BUT BUT BUT
We onli meet for 5 days tht weekk....
and the weekend she nid to save for her BF!!
Wanna scam mi by 1 day LOL

Rushed home to bath...
Went to bugis TOP ONE KTV to Ton...
RUIQI (Xiao Ke Ai)
Vincent (Brother!)
Daniel (Brother!)
Mi of cuz.. lol

Become a VIP MEMBER =D

OK the ranking system is tis...
1st: Vincent (awake throughout)
2nd: RuiQi (Awake until last part)
3rd: Daniel (Half asleep)
Last: MI (Divided into 4 part)

the 4 parts are
Totally Asleep =x (Cuz i dunno how to sing most of the song)

Cabb-ed home...
Slp at 6am..
WAke at 5.30pm
Almost slp for 12 hrs haha

Special thanks to RuiQi for coming even though she had piano lesson early the next day and she also nid to work...

Thanks and Srry to my Secondary sch buddy for not being able to attend the steamboat session.. BOOK MI EARLIER NEXT TIME.. =\

Ok here are some photo





Caught her slping.. I see her so tired, ask her to slp first, she say she dun wan slp... den i caught her slping haha

Wednesday, October 8, 2008 8:32 AM

Well guys... i am lazy to upload the photosss.. sooo go to Daniel or Vincent's Link to look at the photo =D

Lets see... made another gal angry =x
Lucky i manage to let her 消气 which i noe i die die must...

I dun wan the same thing to happen again..

K thts all..
veri short post onli haha

Saturday, October 4, 2008 12:47 PM

First of all : Happy Birthday to 3 person
1st : Tai Chong - 1st Oct (Srry for a late gratz.. Busy)
2nd : Eugene Lim - 4th Oct (Today!)
3rd : Natasha - 5th Oct (Tmr!)
Meet with Natasha, Eugene Lim, Grace, Vincent, Daniel, HongWee, RuiQi and Eileen =D (Srry for being 30mins late =X) Had an advance BDae celebration For Natasha (nat) and Eugene Lim at Sentosa. Plan to go Siloso Beach =D I got the Frisbie from Nat and play around wif it on the way WALKING to the beach.. Sumthing funny happen... I threw the frisbie towards the gals and HongWee Shouted " Whose SLIPPER isit"... =.=|||
This made Grace laughed like mad already.. When we reached the beach, needless to say, we all had a small game of frisbie and off into the water we go..
But RuiQi can't cuz of a certain reason.. So sad larh..!
Eugene Lim keep eyeing on babes LOLHe horny =x
Had much fun "bullying" Nat and RuiQi (I am bad guy)
Actually Jogina will be meeting us but last minute, she can't make it... SHE IS THE ONE THAT IS SUPPOSE TO BRING THE BEACH BALL LAR!

LOL After our Sentosa Fun, we went to Party World to have our SingSong session =). But Eugene Lim can't go wif us.. (have bbq wif friend) So he left first..
But before we went into Party World, HongWee make a joke out of herself AGAIN.
She pronounce "Curry puff" into "Curry Pork" LOL This is another thing which made us laugh for "半天"

Eileen's BF came to find Eileen of cuz -.-|| And both of them had to go off earlier + HongWee too..soooo onli left Mi, Vincent, Daniel, RuiQi, Nat and Grace.. After the singsong session is over, RuiQi GTG cuz meeting her friend.. GoodBye (Xiao Ke ai) LOL.
Oreo Cheese Cake.. Vincent bought it at TAKA.. Thx Vincent =D

Nat is having so much fun haha


HongWee and GRace

Went to meet Hanis, Qiling and Jogina. Had dinner at Fish 'N' Co.. The total bill was ... $128.. The waiter/waitress there is very friendly lor.. Esp JC =D
I Believe Nat will never forget Ytd haha..
Food we had (side view)

Food we had (top view)

See the video below

Grace and Hanis went off after dinner...
SO once again i will update the person staying...
We went to FEP, TheWateringHole for some drink =D
Our Drinks =D

Qiling got blinded by my handphone flash

Mi 'n' Jogina


Cabbed home... lucky onli $7+ haha
P/S : I M BROKE =x

(MOre photo to be uploaded)

I’m just who I am.

I’m just who I am, who I suppose to be.
bKs a.k.a Blank.
I am just typical bad guy.
That came to this world on the 10th of october 1990
which is around 20yrs ago

If you like me, tell me.
If you don’t, let me go.

This is my way, and that is your way.
Go somewhere over the rainbow,
And don’t let me see you forever again.

Simply things I want.

Just your happiness
Tell me.


the moments.

May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
November 2010

the melody.


let me go.

blogskin of invalid.love